How to use Candid as a Sales Rep

When you are managing orders in Candid as a sales rep for another company, much of what you do will be dictated by the company for which you are a representative. However, there are a few basic workflows for all Sales Reps that are important to know about.

Attention: We require all new Sales Reps to attend a 30-minute training session. You can book a time for that here: Book an onboarding

Getting Started - Account Creation

When you join Candid as a sales rep, our support team will create a customized rep account for you. There is nothing to do on your end except let us know what name and login info you want to use for your new account. Once an account has been created for you, we will send you a login invite via email. All you need to do to start using your account is open the email and follow the sign-in link, which will prompt you to create a password.

Navigating Candid - Switching between the different companies that you rep for in Candid

We designed sales rep accounts so that if you work for more than one company, you can easily switch between them and manage all your orders.

On your Seller HQ, you will notice a drop-down menu that says "Switch Clients". This menu is what you will use to switch between the different companies that you rep for:

Important Note: In order to manage orders and customers for the company you represent, you must switch to the "client"—that is, the name of the brand you represent!

If you don't switch to the correct client or company name, the system will not work as it was designed, and the orders you create will not show up in the correct accounts.

If you ever need to get back to your own account name, you can click "Reset" in the drop-down menu:

How to view open orders

You can see a list of all your orders on the Sales page and use search filters to find specific orders:

TIP: If you don't see any orders, it might be because you forgot to switch the client view to the brand name that you are repping for. You can fix this by clicking on the "switch" button seen here:

How to send a catalog link to buyers

For every brand that you rep for, you will have a unique catalog link that you can share with buyers. The catalog link allows buyers to view and order from that brand's catalog. Because the catalog link is unique to your rep company, any order that a buyer places using that catalog link will show up in your account by default.

In the Catalog drop-down, you can switch between different catalogs (each has its own unique link):

How to create orders for your buyers

In Candid, you also have the option to create orders on your customer's behalf. Some reps like to do this just to get the ball rolling. This is also a good way to introduce Candid to your buyers if they seem a little hesitant to start using a new system for their wholesale purchase orders.

To get started, make sure you are switched over to the account you are repping for:

Next, click on the "New Order" button:

This next step is probably the trickiest in terms of getting things right. If your buyer is already in our system, you can run a search for their company name:

In most cases, you will be adding the buyer to Candid, so you will need to add them manually. Note that you need to run a search first before you can add the new customer:

The quickest way to add the buyer is to enter their website URL:

If you don't have their website, you can also enter their company manually:

When adding the company manually, you just need to enter the Company Name and click "Add Company" since the other fields aren't mandatory:

After you add the buyer's company information, you will be taken to an empty draft order. From here, you can begin adding products to the order on your customer's behalf.

To learn more about how to create orders, click here: How to create a sales order as a seller


I think I accidentally created two accounts for the same customer. How do I fix this?

Duplicate companies can happen, but we have an easy way to fix them on our end. Just contact our support team at:

How come I can't see my orders?

When this happens it usually means that you haven't been assigned as a Rep to that customer. You will want to check with your client (the brand you rep for) and make sure they have assigned you to that customer. Our support team can also assign you to that buyer, if you need our help with that just let us know!

Why am I not getting new order notifications?

This most likely means you don't have notifications turned on. From your Settings page, you can customize which emails you want to receive.

Is there a way to get a notification when my customer's orders ship?

Not at this time, but we will potentially add more notification features in the future. For now, if you need to know when a customer's order has shipped, the best thing to do is periodically check the "Ship Status" column on the Sales page.

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