How to create promotional discounts
Within your Candid settings, you have the ability to create promotions for discounts and free shipping. When creating a promotion you can choose to set it up for an entire collection or just for select products. You can also assign promotions to apply to orders automatically or you can let customers enter the codes.
How to create discount codes
To get started head to your Settings page and select the Promotions tab:
Next, select Discount % as the promotion type:
Next, you can choose to limit the promotion to just a catalog collection, catalog section, or to specific products. You can also skip this step if you want the discount to be available to use on any product:
Next, enter the coupon code you want to use, a brief description, and the discount percentage:
In the next step you can select a specific date range that you want the promotion to run. Or you can leave the dates unselected if you want the promotion to run indefinitely. When you are finished creating the discount code, click the Add Promotion button to activate your new promotion:
Note that you can always come back and edit a promotion. You can also archive a promotion when you are finished with it. You can also run multiple promotions at the same time:
How to create a free shipping promotion
For the promotion type select Free Shipping:
Next, enter the order minimum required for the customer to receive the free shipping discount. Then enter the coupon code and description you want to use:
Note that you can enter a date range or leave it unselected if you want the promotion to remain active indefinitely. Click the Add Promotion button when you're finished:
How to apply an automatic discount to a catalog collection
If you would rather not have your customers enter a coupon code, you can set up your catalog to have the discount automatically apply to all new orders.
To get started, head to your Customize Catalogs page and click on the pencil icon to open the Catalog settings menu:
Then click on the Advanced menu option:
Next, select the Default Promotion you would like to have applied to that catalog:
How to apply coupon codes to orders
At the bottom of orders, you or your customers can enter a coupon code. In the Coupon Code field type the code in and press the enter key on your keyboard. The discount amount will automatically display under the item total on the order:
Please note that coupon codes are case sensitive and will need to match the code you created exactly.