How to create volume pricing discounts
What is volume pricing?
Volume pricing is savings that are automatically applied when a customer buys a certain quantity of units.
For example, you can have a product that individually sells for $184 but if a customer wants to buy 10 or more units you could then offer to sell each unit for $150 instead:
Each product you sell can also have its own unique pricing tiers, so you can create any combination of volume pricing you want.
How to set up volume pricing
To get started head to your Products page and select the product you want to create a volume discount for. Don't forget you can use the Search & Filter tool to help you quickly locate the product you need.
In the example below we've used the search filters to find all the draft (unpublished) products:
Step 1 - Click on the product you want to edit:
Step 2 - click on the "Options" tab:
Step 3 - Click on the "Volume Discounts" tab:
Step 4 - Click on the plus+ symbol next to each product variant:
Step 5 - Enter the minimum quantity and price per unit, then click "Save":
What does volume pricing look like on the order?
On orders buyers and sellers will see a range of volume pricing options that are available for that product, that way you know exactly how much needs to be purchased:
Pricing automatically updates with the discount when the quantity for volume pricing is met:
Note that you will see a range of prices if there are different quantities purchased of a variant for a single product: