How to invoice a customer who doesn't have a Candid account login

Note: This invoicing method requires that you have Candid Pay set up first.

If you have customers who don't want to log into Candid to pay their invoices, your method of invoice delivery will need to be slightly different.

The basic steps are:

  • First, mark the order as "Invoiced Externally"
  • Then you can either choose to share the PDF or the Order Link with the customer
  • When the customer receives their invoice they will be able to pay without logging in

Step 1 - Mark the order as invoiced externally

Before you share the invoice with your customer you will want to select "Mark Invoiced Externally" from the dotted drop-down menu seen in the example below:

Step 2 - Share the invoice with your customer

Now that you have marked the order as invoiced externally, you can either share the PDF or the Order Link with the customer:

When your buyer opens the Order Link or sees the PDF, they will see a copy of the order and a "Pay Invoice" button:

From here, they can also save a copy of the invoice by clicking the PDF button.

When they click "Pay Invoice" a secure payment portal will open up:

How to customize the PDF invoice before you send it

Clicking the "Print / PDF" button allows you to open and save a copy of the PDF to your computer. If you want to customize the PDF before you share it, simply click on the "Print / Display Options" and make your selections. When you are done, click the PDF button to save the file to your computer:

How to share an invoice with a buyer outside of Candid (for non-Candid Pay users)

The directions are the same as above, but when your buyer receives the emailed Order Link or PDF, it won't include a payment portal. In this situation, you will need to collect payment from your buyer outside of Candid.

Once you have collected payment from the customer, you can mark the invoice as paid by clicking "Record Offline Payment":

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