How do multiple shipments work?

How to add another shipment to a draft order

To add another shipment to an order click on the Edit Order view. Then under the last item you added to the order, click on the text that says Add a 2nd shipment:

You can then add more products to the new shipment, or you can move items already on the order to the new shipment:

When selecting new products to add to the order you will be able to choose which shipment to add the product to:

How to add a shipment to an approved order

You can add more shipments to an approved order from the View Order page by clicking on the Edit Order button:

You will then follow the same steps discussed previously to add or move products to the new shipment.

A few things to note about orders with multiple shipments

  • An individual Order can have one or more Shipments.
  • An individual Shipment can have only one Invoice.
  • An individual Invoice can have one or more Payments.
  • An individual Order can optionally have a Deposit, whose Payment(s) can be applied to any Shipment Invoice.

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